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P.Factory, official partner of the French Tech Visa for Founders 2018 !

Wed. 28 Feb 2018

P.Factory has been certified French Tech Visa for Founders’ official partner for 2018. We were very proud to announce the good news on our social media on the 18th January!

Today we tell you all about it and why we’re proud of this title !

French Tech Visa for Founders, what is it?

It is a program by the French Government to welcome international startups and entrepreneurs. More specifically, it is a simplified and fast-track procedure that allows them to obtain a residence permit called “Passeport Talent”. This passport gives them the opportunity to launch, develop and accelerate their businesses in France and it is valid 4 years on a renewable basis.

One of the goals of this program is to promote the strength of the French Tech ecosystem and this includes the richness and diversity of the French incubators and accelerators!

Why are we proud to be part of the adventure in 2018?

As they arrive in France, each selected startup is assigned to a structure specialized  in supporting young entreprises to build a successful startup. And this year, we are 51 incubators & accelerators selected to take care of the new talents. We will be the first port of entry to the French startup national and local ecosystem. We will provide great resources such as masterclasses, meetups, mentoring and all sorts of networking events for the talents to develop their projects in the best possible way.

The French Tech Visa is a wonderful starter-pack for any early stage startup and an amazing opportunity for them to immerse themselves in the French culture and upgrade their business to the next level in our national market.

Who is it for and what kind of startups will we be supporting?

The French Tech Visa for Founders is accessible to startup founders who meet these 3 criteria:

  • Financial resources at least equal to the French annual minimum wage.
  • Having an economically innovative startup project that you plan to develop in France.
  • Being approved by a French public organization called the Direccte.

P.Factory will select motivated international startups that want to set their business in the PACA region. We look forward to welcoming many motivated entrepreneurs from across the world in our tribe. We will support them and help them to grow their business in the shiniest place of France ! And we cannot wait to share our network with them, to develop their customer bases, to finance their growth, and to share best practices with others startups from our tribe.

If you want to know more about the French Tech Visa, here is a link to the official website. And don’t forget to stay tuned as we will announce all the news on our social media networks : FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn !

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